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The welfare benefits system is full of complex and technical rules, it can be very scary for a claimant to be told they are going to lose the benefits that they have become reliant on, or are going to be subject to an accusation of benefit fraud which could lead to a prison sentence and having to repay overpaid benefits. Getting the correct advice and assistance early can help you in getting the right result and defending your position.


We can assist with:

Appeals before the Social Security Tribunal

Attendance Allowance Appeals

Backdated Claims for Benefits

Benefit Fraud allegations

Child Benefit/Guardian’s allowance

Carers Allowance

Delays in processing benefits

Discretionary Housing Payment reviews

Disability Living Allowance Appeals

Employment & Support Allowance appeals

First Tier Tribunal Appeals

Housing / Council Tax Benefit

Incapacity Benefit

Industrial injuries benefits

Income Support

Job Seekers Allowance

Overpayments of benefit/underpayments of benefit

Habitual Residence Test / Right to Reside Problems

Personal Independence Payments Appeals (PIP appeals)

Tax Credits and Pension Credit

Universal Credit

Upper Tier Tribunal Appeals

Welfare Benefits claim form completionContact our Family Lawyers Today